Ukraine continues its commitment to strengthen anti-money laundering (AML) efforts and implement EU reforms. It recognizes the significance of preparing for the upcoming MONEYVAL mutual evaluation and the key issues that need to be addressed so that the country is ready for its assessment.
The workshop addressed these challenges. It was convened by the Centre for Finance & Security’s (CFS) Supervising and Monitoring Ukraine’s Reconstruction Funds (SMURF) project. The workshop gathered representatives from key Ukrainian financial institutions and relevant authorities.
During the online workshop, participants offered their insights in how to effectively tackle the substantial challenges facing Ukraine. The workshop not only focused on Ukraine’s technical compliance with AML standards but also delved into the effectiveness of the country’s existing response to financial crime. It focused on four principal areas: development of the law on virtual assets, a path to creating a single register of bank accounts of individuals and legal entities, public–private partnerships and recovery of the proceeds of crime.