Roundtable discussion on ‘Monitoring of politically exposed persons (PEPs): where are we half a year after?’

In October 2023, new Ukrainian legislation changed the treatment of politically exposed persons (PEPs). While intended to strengthen the integrity of Ukraine’s financial system, the law has created substantial unease for people with PEP status.

It is important to understand the extent of the problem: from concerns over ‘de-risking’, to working with PEPs, to implications for Ukrainians considering careers in the civil service.

In May 2024, CFI’s partner, the RUSI’s Centre for Finance & Security (CFS), led an in-person roundtable discussion in Kyiv. The event was attended by government officials, representatives of civil society, the private sector, the banking sector, and even PEPs themselves. Discussions centered on the practical implementation of the recommendations on the monitoring of PEPs.

Follow the link to watch this discussion.