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Financial Integrity Platform

The Financial Integrity Platform (FIP) engages the Ukrainian and international corporate sectors so that they can shape future responses to illicit finance in Ukraine.


The FIP is a rare membership opportunity to forge a closer relationship with CFI. Membership of the FIP offers:

  • Exclusive access to CFI’s insights and analysis.
  • High-level access to CFI’s expert network.
  • Knowledge on best practices in the fight against illicit finance in Ukraine.
  • Opportunities to participate in discussions, build knowledge and learn from like-minded organizations.
  • Opportunities to mentor the next generation of Ukrainian financial crime fighters through the FIP – Young Leaders Chapter.
  • Opportunities to empower women through FIP – Women’s Chapter.
  • Acknowledgement as a CFI supporter, if desired.

How to become a member of FIP

CFI welcomes enquiries from prospective organizations. For more information, contact our team at or submit this form.