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Task Force on PPP

The Task Force on Public–Private Partnership (PPP) in Fighting Financial Crime in Ukraine creates a shared space for representatives from both the public and private sectors to address common challenges. It leverages the expertise of each sector and provides advice on developing strategies in Ukraine, shares knowledge on best practice and strengthens the capacity of stakeholders to combat financial crime.

Why is PPP important?

The PPP recognizes the value of dialogue and cooperation between the public and private sectors. Efforts to fight financial crime are often ‘siloed’, leading to significant gaps and vulnerabilities. The PPP draws on knowledge from a rich variety of stakeholders to promote effective responses and improve outcomes.

Who is a part of the PPP?

The PPP is bringing together representatives from approximately 30 organizations in the private sector, academia, think tanks, and Ukrainian and international state policymakers. Each member participates in a personal capacity.

How to join the PPP?

Members of relevant organizations are invited to register their interest in the PPP by contacting our team at or submitting this form.