The Center for Financial Integrity (CFI), based in Chernihiv, is an NGO dedicated to Ukraine’s financial resilience and integrity. With the support of Royal United Services Institute’s Centre for Finance & Security (CFS), CFI has access to leading experts and networks – both from Ukraine and around the world. Its events, research and platforms bring together private and public sector stakeholders in pursuit of CFI’s mission.
CFI builds on the success of RUSI’s Supervising and Monitoring Ukraine’s Reconstruction Funds (SMURF) project. With more than a decade of experience studying financial crime and convening high-level stakeholders, RUSI is working with CFI to take the next step. This will allow CFI to be an indispensable organization in efforts to strengthen Ukraine’s financial system. As a Ukrainian NGO, CFI is now forging even stronger links with policymakers and civil society, greatly enhancing its impact.
To achieve its challenging mission, CFI will: