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Strengthening Ukraine’s Financial System

Public–Private Partnership on AML

Public–private partnership (PPP) connects relevant stakeholders and expertise. Through this partnership, PPP promotes effective solutions to the critical challenges facing Ukraine’s financial system. The PPP on AML is an essential venue for cooperation between the two sectors. CFI is strengthening this existing PPP, building on our earlier success.

Why is the PPP on AML important?

Experts at RUSI’s Centre for Finance & Security (CFS) have previously identified gaps in cooperation between the public and private sectors in Ukraine. Despite some progress, additional efforts are needed to effectively address AML threats. With the country receiving significant international support, cooperation between the public and private sectors is crucial to enhance the transparency of the financial system.

The PPP recognizes that both the public and private sectors play an important role in AML efforts. The private sector can provide insights, data and technologies that help to identify suspicious activity. By working with public authorities, the detection and prevention of money laundering can be significantly improved.

Who is a part of the PPP on AML?

The PPP on AML draws on key stakeholders from both the private and public sectors.

How to join the PPP on AML?

Members of relevant public and private sector organizations are invited to register their interest in the PPP by emailing